Weekend Trip to Maastricht – A City of History, Culture & Arts - TRIPS AND BOOKS

Weekend Trip to Maastricht – A City of History, Culture & Arts

October 24, 2017

It’s autumn holidays here and the whole Netherlands looks more beautiful than ever!. With an exquisite blue sky (which is a rare commodity in the Holland😛), trees full of golden yellow & copper colored leaves, it is a real treat to the eyes. Will you ever miss such an opportunity?, we didn't.  We packed our bags for the 2 days Maastricht trip.

Maastricht is the south most city of Netherlands, located within a walking distance from both Belgium and Germany. It is known to be the oldest city of Netherlands and the capital of “Limburg” province. With a long history – tracing back the Roman era, spectacular monuments, magnificent cathedrals, and beautiful old houses/streets, Maastricht is full of surprises and was perfect for 2 days tour.

How did we reach?
  • By Road: We drove. It’s about 2 hours’ drive from our home /Amsterdam. 
  • By Flight: If you come flying, Eindhoven airport could be the nearest (approx. 1.5 hours drive); From Schiphol it’s 2 hours distance and the same travel time if you land in Belgium/Brussel too.
  • By Train: Maastricht is well connected with train, you can reach the city center from almost everywhere in the Netherlands, Brussels(Belgium) or from Dusseldorf (Germany).
Where did we stay?
There are plenty of options for accommodation in the Maastricht., ranging from student hostels, motels to 5-star luxury villas. But, we stayed at Lanaken – a nearby town in the Belgium. It is less than 10 minutes’ drive (6.5 Kms) from Lanaken to Maastricht city centre and it is very cost-effective! we got a 4-star hotel double bedroom with breakfast for just 60 EUR /night.

How did we roam the city?
Walk: Yes, we parked our car in the city centre and walked all over. Probably, walking is the best way to Maastricht (perhaps, true for any city in the Europe!). If you are little immobile or has less time, you can choose to go with bike or city tour bus.

What attraction did we see (Itinerary)?
  • Vrijthof, City Centre, Town square area
  • Bisschopsmolen – A bakery with the oldest working watermill in Holland
  • Natuurhistorisch museum – Nature & History Museum
  • Boekhandel Dominicanen - a 700 year-old beautiful cathedral converted into a huge book store. 
  • St. Servaasbrug, Wilhelminabrug and walking along the Mass river
  • Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Church - Basilica of Our Lady
  • Helpoort – the watch towers and walls of olden days.
  • Museumkelder Derlon – a small exhibit/collection of the ruins of Romans in Maastricht.
  • Mount Saint Peter & Caves – an awesome experience of age old underground caves system.
Will write more on these places, about their interesting facts, history, opening times, and ofcourse my tips/guides, in the coming posts. Keep following!

Tags: #holland , #limburg , #maastrichtunderground , #vrijthof , #bisschopsmolen #7thcentury #maastricht #dominicanen, #natuurhistorisch , #servaasbrug , #helpoort, #derlon

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